Your Financial Life Transformation

Your Financial Life Transformation

“You will never be the same. You are undergoing a time of change.”

These were the words of wisdom my counselor imparted on me during a recent counseling session. Like all of you, life has thrown me a curveball. I didn’t see it coming, and the reality is I will never be the same.

What was that moment for you? A divorce? Bankruptcy? A life altering accident? Death? A job loss? A sick child?

Life can be tough and messy. We are challenged in ways we never thought possible. We are forced to face something unimaginable and adapt.

But instead of just adapting, what if that life altering event catapulted you to something great? What if that really hard and dark period led you on a journey to a place of thriving?

Transformations change who we are, how we see the world and the life we continue to build. It doesn’t happen immediately but instead involves a journey towards a destination that is yet to be determined. While the event that brought us here may have been completely out of our control, the next chapter of life is one that we get to write.

Transformation happens when we decide we want something different for our life and our money. Embarking on a financial journey is hard work. It’s a journey with no quick detour to where we are going. When we think about “what am I capable of doing?” we need to truly believe that we are capable of living the life we desire. We are capable of paying off debt (and living debt free), saving, retiring, giving generously and enjoying the good life, based on how we define the good life. We get to be the author in our own story!

When we go through a major life change, we undergo a transformation on the new journey. We say goodbye to the old us. We leave that person behind; they no longer exist. This is not bad, it’s different. We get to decide who the new me is. It’s not that we shame on the old us; it’s that we release what was and embrace what is. We grow, we change and we have the opportunity to become the best version we can be.

Who will you become? What do you think? What do you believe? What behaviors and actions will you take to achieve your goals?


The old me might have hid credit card debt from my spouse. That old me is gone. The new me is committed to talking openly with my spouse and being transparent with our finances. We don’t judge or look backwards…instead we look forward. We are present now and we grow along the journey.

The goal is to move from where we are now, which isn’t working and to bring us financial stability. We strive for a new place where thriving is possible. 

Workplace Money Coach knows that we all walk a different journey and strives to meet each person where they are on their own financial transformation. You are the person behind your money and our goal is to walk with you as you catapult yourself towards the financial life you desire.

We help employees focus on their life vision and clarify their values so that these two pieces of the puzzle guide the roadmap forward. Yes, there will be detours and bumps and turns, but we use these challenges as fuel to propel you forward. 

Regina C. Novak, MPH

Financial Coach and Director of Workplace Programming

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